Transportation Network Provider tickets
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All Uber and Lyft drivers (and other rideshare drivers) are considered to be Transporation Network Providers by the City of Chicago.
Transportation Network Provider sounds like a nice title, but it really means that Uber and Lyft drivers have an extra set of rules to follow in Chicago. This includes O’Hare and Midway Airports.
Unfortunately, if an Uber or Lyft breaks one of these rules, they are facing a minimum fine of $100 and a maximum of $1,000 for each offense.
Sometimes drivers get 3 or 4 tickets at one time. This means their potential fine is $3,000 or $4,000. Obviously, this is incredibly frustrating and expensive for rideshare drivers.
Additionally, most drivers do not even realize it is an expensive ticket. The fine is not listed anywhere on the ticket. Driver’s should read the officer’s comments to see if he wrote “TNP” anywhere. Also, they should check the statute or offense number against the list below.
Driver Defense Team is one of the few law firms in Chicago to defend these tickets. Our firm is dedicated to assisting Illinois drivers – including Uber & Lyft. For this reason, we have put together the information below to help Uber and Lyft drivers avoid these tickets.
10 Rules All Uber & Lyft Drivers Should Follow:
- Uber and Lyft drivers are required to have and be able to produce a City of Chicago TNP Chauffeur License. You will receive the license from Uber or Lyft.
- Uber and Lyft drivers must carry proper paperwork at all times. This includes your own valid Illinois Driver’s License, your Uber or Lyft ID card, a paper copy of your auto insurance, your latest vehicle inspection report, and your TNP Terms of Service agreement.
- Uber and Lyft drivers must display their company emblem. You should not enter “driver mode” in the app without having the emblem properly affixed to your passenger-side windshield. Simply placing it on the dashboard is a violation.
- Uber and Lyft drivers must display the airplane decal on their rear window at O’Hare and Midway airports. Additionally, you must have an emblem in your rear window at McCormick Place and Navy Pier. If you are approved for airport pickups, it is advised that you affix an airport decal to your rear window no matter where you are driving.
- Uber and Lyft drivers must display the Chicago tax emblem and Chauffeur License on their passenger side dashboard. The City of Chicago tax emblems have an expiration date. You must make sure yours is not expired and that it is always visible from outside the vehicle.
- Uber and Lyft drivers must display a sign visible to the passengers in the rear seat of the vehicle that reads: FOR COMPLIMENTS AND COMPLAINTS, PLEASE CALL 311. It is advised that you print and laminate your own sign if you do not obtain one from Chicago, Uber or Lyft.
- Uber and Lyft drivers may not work for more than 10 hours in a 24 hour period. Officers often ask how long you been working. Be aware of this when you are stopped by an officer.
- Uber and Lyft drivers must follow all pickup and drop off instructions at O’Hare and Midway airports. This information is distributed by Chicago, Uber and Lyft. It is advised that you read and follow these instructions.
- Uber and Lyft drivers must have their vehicles regularly inspected. You should keep a paper copy of your most recent inspection in your glove compartments.
- Uber and Lyft drivers MUST keep their driver’s license in good standing. This is a very important, and often overlooked rule. We get many calls from drivers that have received too many tickets and now their license is suspended or the company dropped them. Uber and Lyft WILL drop you if you get too many convictions on your record.
Ten Most Common TNP Violations Issued to Uber and Lyft Drivers
- Failure to follow Illinois Traffic Laws – MCC 9-115-250(c)5.05
- Failure to display a copy of the City’s ground transportation tax registration emblem – MCC 3-46-073(b) and MCC 9-115-180(k)(3)
- Failure to display distinctive signage (Uber/Lyft Emblems) – MCC 9-115-120(a)
- Operating at ORD, MDW, MCK, PIER with misplaced or nonvisible airport emblem – MCC 9-115-250(c)6.05(e)
- Failure to register transportation network provider with the Department of Business Affairs and Consumer Production – MCC 3-46-070(a)
- Failure to provide TNP license – MCC 9-115-250(c)1.06(a)
- Failure to have identification card with name and photograph of the driver – MCC 9-115-170
- Failure to have 311 signage visible to passengers in the rear seat – MCC 9-115-250(c)1.17
- Soliciting Passengers Prohibited – MCC 9-114-280
- Failure to stage in a designated area at airport – MCC 9-115-250(c)6.02d
Very few law firms have experience defending these types of tickets. Trust Driver Defense Team to protect your license and your driving status with Uber & Lyft.