Expired Registration
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Illinois law requires all vehicles registered in Illinois to have a valid Illinois registration sticker properly placed onto their rear license plate. See 625 ILCS 5/3-414.
The Illinois Secretary of State determines when the registration sticker expires, but they are generally valid for 1 year from date of purchase, so the expiration month will vary from person to person. As of 2016, the Secretary of State no longer mails an expiration reminder notice to the registered owner. It is the individual’s responsibility to make sure that their registration sticker is updated and valid before they operate the vehicle on a public roadway.The operation of a vehicle with an expired registration is generally a petty offense punishable by a fine only. However, operating a vehicle with invalid registration can be a criminal offense when an individual is charged with operating a vehicle with
The operation of a vehicle with expired tags is generally a petty offense punishable by a fine only. However, operating a vehicle with invalid registration can be a criminal offense when an individual is charged with operating a vehicle with registration that is canceled, suspended or revoked. It is considered a Class A misdemeanor with penalties of up to a year in jail and/or a fine of $2,500.If charged with an expired registration offense, it always beneficial to obtain the valid registration prior to going to court in order to get the best possible outcome.
If charged with an expired registration offense, it is recommended to hire a skilled traffic attorney. Also, it is always beneficial to obtain the valid registration prior to going to court.